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2 family houses, reconstruction to apartments


Na predaj sú dva zachovalé rodinné domy na pozemku s výmerou 839 m² na Hviezdoslavovej ulici v obci Stupava s kompletnou občianskou vybavenosťou.


Bývanie v obci ľudia vyhľadávajú celoročne vďaka jej lokalite. Spája bezprostrednú blízkosť prírody a jej krás a zároveň dostupnosť práce - nachádza sa len 15 km od hlavného mesta Bratislava.


Kupcu - investora poteší pripravený investičný zámer, vďaka ktorému môže na dopyte po bývaní profitovať. Rekonštrukciou oboch domov vytvorí bytové jednotky, dostatok parkovania, aj priestory vhodné pre podnikanie.


Oba rodinné domy sú postavené z klasických materiálov akými sú tehla, betón a monolitické konštrukcie. Sú podpivničené a s dvoma nadzemnými podlažiami. Predný dom sa nachádza na parcele číslo 69/7 o výmere 197 m², druhý dom v rade na parcele 69/4 o výmere 173 m².





Stupava is one of the most visited towns and villages in the Záhorie region thanks to its excellent location and natural and cultural richness. It lies in the immediate vicinity of nature reserves, cycle paths and hiking trails, which attract numerous tourists and cyclists in every season of the year. On the eastern side, the town borders the Little Carpathian Mountains and the popular tourist castle Pajštún. To the west, the border river Morava flows in picturesque curves, flanked by rare wetlands and alluvial meadows.

Zdravotné stredisko - 4 min autom
City center - 5 min by car
Škôlky a školy - 5 min autom
Shops - 5 min by car
Marianka - 6 min by car
Hrad Pajštún - 16 min autom
Park a kaštieľ - 20 min autom


The property is connected to all utilities necessary for construction (gas, water and electricity). The sewage connection is located on the driveway.


Investment plan

The investment plan was optimized by construction management to achieve maximum return for the investor. Financial models are included in the offer of this property.


The reconstruction of both houses will create 4 new, well-lit residential units, each on its own floor. In addition to a covered garage for 2 cars, they offer spacious basement areas that can also be used for business purposes, such as building a fitness studio or a winery.


The reconstruction of the roofs, renovation of the facades and new windows will give the buildings a new, modern look. In total, 11 parking spaces and 2 modern apartment buildings ALFA and BETA with a total living area of 718 m² will be built in the building.


The Rezidencia Stupava project is unique for investors, developers and construction companies looking for profitable construction projects for their own team. We can provide you with a complete service, including the completion of various building permits, as well as assist in engineering. We provide a guarantee for the obtained legislative information.


For more information please contact us.

Právna previerka nehnuteľnosti
Daňové poradenstvo
Architektonická štúdia
Územne povolenie
Vyhotovený projekt pre stavebné povolenie
Ekonomická analýza
Optimalizácia nákladov
Tržby a výnosy

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