About us

We understand development projects

We understand the legal defects, engineering, architecture and economics of the development opportunity. We also assist developers with the sale of new builds through tailored marketing and a full service approach to individual customers.
People expertise
We have a specialist for each area to assess the condition of the property we offer.
We are not afraid to go deep. We analyze the development projects offered by us through 50+ parameters.
Investment properties are sold with a business plan for the developer.
Richard Svoboda
Zuzana Križanová
Richard Svoboda
Richard Svoboda
Richard Svoboda
Richard Svoboda
Zuzana Križanová
Contact us
Adriana Hrabanková
akvizičný manažér
Michaela Brejčáková
realitný manažér
Marek Zavartkay
akvizičný manažér
in-depth property inspections
attributes that we track
successful sales
places in Slovakia
We focus on..
Market analysis
Location is the alpha and omega for the successful sale of any property. Whether it is a development project or a new building. We do not only focus on the broader relations of the property such as the availability of utilities, transport connections, neighbours, but we also consider the emotional aspect of the environment where the potential owner will spend time of his life.
Law and economics
Unresolved property disputes, foreclosures, liens, as well as the (un)availability of infrastructure can definitely thwart any investment plan. The complexity and opacity of a development project can hide threats even from experienced real estate brokers. That is why we assess every property sold by us through more than 50 parameters.
Development consulting
Miera úspechu developerského projektu závisy od efektivity využitia predajných plôch. Častokrát rozhodujú centimetre a na prvý pohľad neviditeľné detaily konceptu projektu. Túto zručnosť je možné získať len skúsenosťami a sústredením sa na odlišné aspekty ako je to v architektonických kancelárii.
Sales and Marketing
We complement the finished product with precise and truthful marketing. We ensure the successful sale of your investment plan by creating direct marketing, a clear website and visualization that will excite clients. We guide the sales strategy from the creation of the logo to the communication on billboards or online marketing campaigns.
Available job positions
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